Monday, December 9, 2019

Passport to Export - PASSPORT TO EXPORTS Hosted By: City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of International Affairs - November 2019

Barbara Flury Knight, Discussion Panelist is Pres/CEO, Enviropouch®, acquired in 2001. Barbara has driven the international sales growth and medical device manufacturing of this unique, US patented, reusable, steam sterilization pouch brand. Enviropouch® is utilized in steam autoclave infection control healthcare and industrial applications. Enviropouch® achieved national brand logo American Design award(2010), international dental recognition in Clinicians Report® (2010, 2013),  GA Manufacturing Alliance "Team Operational Excellence" award (2016),  ATL Metro Chamber Export Challenge grant (2018), and National Geographic article publication (October 2019).  Export growth continues through distributors and directly.  

December 2019 - Enviropouch invention listed in "Rethinking Plastics"